Loving Self!!!!


I never wanted to speak like someone else, or write like someone else. I have always loved myself through all of my flaws and all. As I listen to people and hear grips and groans about how they desire to be somebody else. I realize that not loving yourself is scary, painful, and something I pray my daughters never experience. We must love the uniqueness God gave us and utilize to live on purpose.

God made us special and unique for a reason. Not to desire to be like somebody else…..that’s a sin but we are to love our self authentically and others. But how can we truly love our neighbor when we don’t love ourselves.

Time to life life and let your individual light shine!!!!

Line Dancing ughhhhh!!!


I walked into the room with my hot pink leg warmers pulled up high and my matches sweat band gripping my head tightly with a water bottle and towel held tightly in my right hand. The sign on door still has a fresh smell of marker lingering around as I pulled the door knob to enter into the line dancing 101 class. I didn’t know what to expect but for some strange reason I knew that was going to have a strangely weird experience. I can’t follow directions and my attention span is none to be desired so this was sure to be something. I just didn’t know what. Immediately a lady with the biggest red hair saw me. “You are new aren’t ya” she said in a southern accent as I reached down to pull my leg warmers back up over my legs. I nodded my head rather gently and hoped that she wouldn’t try to hold me for enormously long conversations. I quickly rushed over to the corner of the room because I knew that I needed ample space to mess up in. The room started to fill up quickly with ladies who were much more ripe than my 34 years of age. I started to relax and chill because I thought surely these ladies couldn’t out due me. There was no way. So, I rubbed my hands together slowly and softly gearing myself up as I looked around the room.

“Ladies welcome…welcome.. the first dance is Sheila”, everybody had these dreadfully serious looks on their faces as raised brows looked sternly at the instructor for directions. I knew in my heart and soul that I was going to be doing my own moves but then the unthinkable happened. IT WAS TWO instructors and one came and stood right next to me. There was no way for me to run now. They could see the entire room. I cracked my knuckles and rolled my neck slowly knowing that now things just got a little serious. The music came on and bounced off of the walls as hands clapped and fingers snapped. There was no turning back now. I had to move, shack, and go in the same dang on direction.

Line Dancing part 2 ughhhh ughhh ughhhh coming soon.

Negative Thoughts = Disaster


Thoughts raced in my mind quicker than a speeding bullet or at least that sounds about right. Fear seems to be contagious in a way. I would hang around certain people and before long I would have fears racing in my head and some of those fears did not belong to me. So, was I supposed to live in a bubble? or just  run like hell from people? But choices that I came up with did not go with my personality. I am a lover of people and even animals too. I loved talking to people about life and experiences but if I got around a crew that had a thousand and one buts as to why they are not happy and where they want to be and had something negative say about not only themselves but other people I would slowly feel myself loosing energy as I absorbed their crap. My husband says to me all of the time that I listen and that’s all people want is for someone to listen but I wasn’t just listening I was absorbing and I wasn’t getting paid for it. The thing is this. I have to learn how to step in take my power back and do what makes me feel great and that’s speaking life over myself and others. So toss those negative thoughts out the door and welcome in new people and situations.

Steps to elevate Negativity in your Life

1. Pray( please a prayer in your God box asking God to change your mind set and place positive and progressive people in your life and block out all of those that aren’t right for you)

2. Live your life (Do fun things….laugh a lot and worry less)

3. At the end of the day and before your day begins MEDITATE

4. Exercise more( walks in nature)

5. Eat healthier( going to sleep after eating cake will have you dreaming all kinds of crazy stuff.

6. If somebody is around you and everything is negative just walk away and politely excuse yourself *you might be alone for  awhile but honey that is better than being around someone that dumps their crap on you…

Peace and Love to you ALL!!!!!!